Functional Foods
The Europiiische Akademie is concerned with the study of scientific and technolog ical advances for the individual, society and the natural environment. The work of the academy is interdisciplinary drawing on relevant academic disciplines so far as they can inform the debate on consequences and suggest solutions. This book is dedicated to the issue of Functional Foods, a rather topical issue with important ramifications for the overall quality of life. It is the result of the Europiiische Akademie's working group "Functional Foods" which worked from January 2001 to June 2003. Since the times of Hippocrates, we view "food as our medicine, and medicine as our food"; a view that is confirmed by nowadays science which agrees that diet is related to health, well-being and the prevention of disease. At the same time, food related diseases have reached epidemic proportions in western societies while obe sity is spreading rapidly in all parts and strata of modern society. The cost for the health system is significant while the reduction in quality of life is immeasurable.