R.B. Kitaj
Ronald Brooks Kitaj (1932-2007), born in Ohio (USA), was one of the most important artists Unpacking My Library2in London's art scene of the 1960s. He was a fervent reader and book collector and his colourful and sometimes provocative paintings contain many political, philosophical and literary references. Kitaj's Jewish identity played an important role in his life and work. Bringing together paintings from collections around the world and a series of screen prints of book covers that Kitaj made in 1969-70 with the master printer Chris Prater, the exhibition Unpacking My Library offers a fascinating insight into Kitaj's unique Jewish, bibliophile sensibility. The series In Our Time: Covers for a Small Library After the Life for the Most Part reflects the humour and irony with which Kitaj questioned the role of spirituality and morals in the modern age. The exhibition takes place in the print room.00Exhibition: Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (20.03.-12.07.2015).