Inder Jeet, a rag picker lives with Jhihari and his brother Ranchits family in the slum of landfi ll area of Ghazipur in Delhi miraculously becomes an audience in an international conference on health and wellbeing held in Montreal, Canada after his unpublished research paper Orphan Nephrons Observation: Red Kidneys are blue to green the environment. Like kidney in animal body, they fi lter the reusable items from waste to give back into the bloody money circulation system where economic disparity and deprivation are the bases of providing oxygen money to population cells of the national body. Their lot contributes in sharing the responsibility with municipalities of Indian cities but only to go unnoticed. After the conference, he landed back in Delhi to land up in new set of problems. Kids toil their lives, in scrap settlement in Jain Disposals in Ghazipur, to shun the happiness of being in schools. Race of the rich to reach the moon through Indian roads not by space vehicle but that on four wheels took Ranchits life as the toll, which goes unnoticed, to give space to a morning walkers wounds in the newspaper. Cadaver Ranchits organ donation to give lives the patients suffering from organ failure. The organization Uttar Daanis involved in Ranchits organ donation for transplants, fail to provide promised job to Jhihari because of his ill-fated cousin, Niranjan. Niranjan kills a cop in order to rescue a poor rickshaw puller who wants to have his meal before he could drop the cop to the next crossing on the highway. The wrath of fellow cops on bloody hunt for Niranjan is brought in Jhiharis slum. Niranjan stays in jail during his trial for the murder. This brings him close to the missionaries of Jail Raho Aandolan as an instrument to improve lives of toiling millions.