Collective Behavior of Magnetic Micro/Nanorobots
Collective Behavior of Magnetic Micro/Nanorobots: Control, Imaging, and Applications reviews recent advances in the design and construction of magnetic collective micro/nanorobot systems, and promotes the bridging of the gap between their theoretical investigation and practical applications. By summarizing the recent progress in control, imaging, and biomedical applications of collective micro/nanorobots, the authors show the big picture of micro/nanorobotics and the roadmap of collective micro/nanorobots. They then discuss the control, imaging, and biomedical applications of collective micro/nanorobots, respectively, demonstrating the state-of-the-art techniques and ideas for designing systems of collective micro/nanorobots that can help researchers have a better understanding and further stimulate the development of such an exciting field. This book is suitable for scientists, engineers, and students involved in the study of robotics, control, materials, and mechanical/electrical engineering.