A Dancing Of Metaphors
Judul : A Dancing Of Metaphors Penulis : Resti Dwi Shaskiya, Ardhia Restyani, Amelia Rini Putri, Hekza Astomo, Laila Fajrin, Risnawati, Arya Maulana, Nurul Inayah Salsabilla, Dian Safitri, Novi Porman, Devia Aryanti, Siti Nurhaliza, Putri Elicia Oktaviani Martha, Aditya Reza Arifin, Relita Yuli, M Andriyan, and Lutfi Alfiansyah Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 102 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. QRCBN : 62-2066-6364-297 SINOPSIS This poem explores the idea of affirmations that do not need validation, likening them to a dead fireball and a persistent poison. Despite the harm caused to the owner, they survive, with small things playing a significant role. The illusion remains true until the need to evacuate arises. The damaged sheets are finally reassembled, appearing imperfect but adorned with gold. The journey towards actualization is depicted as crawling towards fulfillment.