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Amb Promise Ogbonna- God's Voice To This Generation
Amb Promise Ogbonna- God's Voice To This Generation
Here's The Promised Promise! At his birth, there was a jubilation. Many trooped in to see this Promise they have been waiting for. Everyone fell in love with this little child called Promise. He grew both in favour with men and God. Heaven particularly had interest in him. Men submitted to him. He was a star in academics while in school, a custodian of God's Word. He's the Promise who is holding God's treasures and mysteries. Whenever people see him, they are happy because the Promise has come. This is why everyone was happy at the birth of this Amb. Promise Ogbonna-God's Voice to This Generation! Read, Believe and Receive!
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Ambassador Promise
Ambassador Promise
It is written "For who makes you differ [from another?] And what do you have you did not receive?" 1Corinthians 4:7 "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven." John 3:27This Book is a testimony of Live Appearances and Encounters with The Lord Jesus Christ, Mantles of Notable Servants of God I have been given and The 9 Mandates The Lord Jesus Christ gave me to serve and bless all them that dwell on the earth today, and to every nation, and race, and language and people! The Lord Jesus gave me His Staff of Office on the 21st of May, 1995 and 6th of July 1996.The Lord Jesus wore Himself on me and we became one - spirit, soul and body on the 2nd of August 1996.The Lord anointed me personally and sent me as His Ambassador. The Lord gave me the mantle of Bishop David Oyedepo on the 30th of March, 2006 and the 7 fold of his grace, anointing and wisdom on the 17th of February, 2014.The Lord gave me the mantle of Pastor E. A. Adeboye and a 7 fold of God's Spirit, Power, Wisdom, Grace and everything else at work in his life on the 2nd of March 2013. The Lord gave me the mantle of Dr. T. L. Osborn on the 4th of January 2010 and transferred his baton to me the same day he went to Heaven on the 14th of February, 2013.This Book and its message is supernaturally special, a manifestation of God's love and grace for the hour! I will be sharing with YOU the details of these encounters and why you can no longer be allowed to go through anything evil that is not found in Heaven today! God has, in answer to the prayers of every human being going through any challenge in any part of the world today, assembled all these graces in me and has sent me at such a time as this to enforce the restoration of all to His glorious plan and purpose.Nobody will come into contact with this Book in any format and remain the same!At last, the answer to the cry of many a heart is here! The solution is here now and is meant for YOU!You can no longer be denied. Only believe and YOU will see the glory of God.
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Why Prophet Elisha Died Sick and How To Avoid It
Why Prophet Elisha Died Sick and How To Avoid It
God wants none of His Children to die sick, talk less of His Prophets. However, Prophet Elisha, one of the most anointed among God's Prophet died sick.In His lifetime, Elisha raised the dead without speaking a word. He merely laid himself on the dead body twice and the dead rose up. After his death, his dry bones raised back to life a dead man. Yet with all his anointing, he died sick. Why did he die sick? The mystery behind his death through sickness is unraveled in this publication. It is not God's plan for you or anyone to end like Elisha. You can avoid it. This book in your hands is a treasure. Guard it jealously. Study it diligently. Apply it purposefully. I see God's help has reached you at last. Make use of it and live. It is a new day for you in Jesus Name.
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How To Go Forward In Spite Of Obstacles
How To Go Forward In Spite Of Obstacles
Every advancement and progress in life and in God's Kingdom is Word generated and Word sustained.In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it [nor can ever hinder it]. The Word creates the Light which shows the way to go!Light is the principal requirement for anyone to go forward in this world covered with darkness.God says "Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they come to you;"It is written Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. And The entrance of Your words gives light and understanding on How to Go Forward In Spite Of Obstacles to the simple who will believe and embrace it.God says the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.Israel on their way to the promise land got stranded because of the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptians right behind them. And they cried to Moses who cried to God. What was the way out? God spoke the WORD to them: Go Forward! How can they Go Forward with the impassable Red Sea before them?At every point in our journey on earth, we come to the point of giving up because of the "impassable obstacles and challenges". What do we do? The Answer and the Way forward is in the Word of God. This simple Book but very unique is God's Wisdom-Solution and Answer on How to Go Forward In Spite Of Obstacles for all who appear to have come to a point in their journey and walk on this earth that they don't know what to do.It is with joy I welcome all who are eager to Go Forward in Life in spite of their seeming challenges.Read with an open heart to find and you will see the Way to Go Forward no matter where you are now. It is written "The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." Nahum 1:3The LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.There is a way forward for you. May your eyes be opened to it in Jesus name. Peace!
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Appropriating Your Healing
Appropriating Your Healing
To be Healed, you do nothing! That's an unusual and a very strange statement to make yet it is so very true.You are not to labour to be Healed You are not to wear yourself out in search of healing or spend fortunes to secure healing. You merely receive what belongs to you and has been fully paid for.God says "Himself [Jesus Christ] bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness--by whose stripes you were healed." 1Peter 2:24Notice what God says: By whose stripes you were healed! If 'YOU were healed' then 'YOU are healed'!"He [Jesus Christ] Himself took our infirmities [or diseases] and bore our sicknesses." Matthew 8:17Notice again what God who cannot lie says about you: Himself [Jesus Christ] TOOK YOUR diseases and BORE [carried away] YOUR sicknesses. What Jesus Christ took and carried away and destroyed on the TREE where He was crucified and declared IT IS FINISHED stands finished forever! That settles the problem of sickness and disease forever for all who will believe! All you need to do is to believe and receive!Jesus Christ speaking in John 3:14-17 says "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved [healed, delivered, made whole, restored to sound health and preserved]."Notice that every single person that was bitten by the serpent in Numbers 21:4-9 that LOOKED on God's provision by faith, LIVED! They didn't do anything to be healed. They only looked and got healed. Whatever was the distance between where they were and where the serpent of brass made by Moses at God's command was placed was immaterial. All that looked by faith got healed instantly and lived. That's how simple healing is for all who will believe in God's Provision today! God never made healing difficult, only religion does.The Lord God wants all the sick to be healed by faith. LOOK and be healed of any and every sickness.Healing has never been made simpler! Look up by faith and see Jesus on the Cross and be healed and live.This Book is on a Divine Assignment and Mission: To Bring to YOU all The Living Word made flesh brought to the people of God in His days on earth. Read with an open heart. Its YOUR season of Restoration to God's Divine Health Plan. You shall not die sick but be healed and live. And all you need is Faith!
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God's Final Message To The Poor
God's Final Message To The Poor
Who you hear in life matters because it defines and determines your placement and experiences!Whatever will happen to you in this life is solely dependent on WHO you hear.It is who you hear that determines WHAT you hear. It is not what you hear that determines WHO you hear. What you hear determines who you become because everyone alive on earth today is WORD-MADE. And who you become determines what you do. For instance, Lawyers are word-made to practice Law. Doctors are word-made to practice medicine. Engineers are word-made to practice engineering. Whatever you are DOING today is based on what words you heard that made you.So, you see, it is who you hear that eventually MAKE you.Now, because who you hear determines and defines what you hear, it is absolutely important for you to choose wisely who you hear. And to make the wisest choice of who to hear, you must listen to the ONLY WISE God. The Bible tells us God is the only wise God.Romans 16:27 To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen1Timothy 1:17 Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. AmenJude 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.Therefore, to hear the ONLY WISE God is the ONLY wise thing to do by any sensible person who wants to receive the ONLY WISE counsel necessary to take the best decisions and make the wisest choice on any and every issue of life. So, you need to hear from God.Now notice that God has spoken to us and has made very clear what His Message to the poor and every human being alive on earth that has a need is. It is wisdom for us to hear what God has said and apply our hearts unto His wisdom.This Book is God's Wisdom unveiled. Here is God's Final Message to The Poor presented in very clear terms. Receive it and free yourself and your people and nation from poverty, lack and want!Read and apply. Peace!
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Understanding The Gospel To The Poor
Understanding The Gospel To The Poor
God says "He that wanders from the path of understanding shall dwell in the congregation of the dead." Proverbs 21:16 "For a man to be without knowledge, it is not good." "For my people are destroyed without knowledge." "For they know not neither will they understand so they walk on in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said You are gods and all of you are children of the Most High." The above are verdicts from the mouth of God who can never lie. Statistics has it that over 90% of the world's population are poor in spite of all the rigorous educational trainings mankind has subjected herself to. Isaiah 42:22 "But this is a people robbed and plundered; All of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison houses; They are for prey, and no one delivers; For plunder, and no one says, "Restore!" John 10:10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." The devil is behind the poverty of billions of people worldwide. But God wants every single person alive on earth to be so blessed and prosperous that everyone will be doing good to others until poverty is eradicated and Satan sent back to hell to go and grieve. And that's why God sent Jesus His Son! John 10:10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I [Jesus Christ] have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Second Corinthians 8 verse 9 says, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." Jesus Christ came to make every human being alive on earth rich! So, you must be restored to Heaven's order of prosperity and wealth. Jesus Christ began His public ministry by preaching the Gospel of prosperity and superabundance to the poor. Why? Because it is only God the creator and maker of man that can show man the way out of poverty. This book is the secret that made Jesus rise out of the gloom and poverty of Nazareth to emerge the controller and distributor of God's resources on earth in His days on earth and the possessor of all power and resource controller of Heaven and earth today. And all Jesus recovered from the devil, He did recover for your sake and wants you to have what rightfully belongs to you and use it to glorify God our Father here in this world. May God give you an Understanding of God's Gospel to the Poor because it will bring a revolution in your life, family, nation and the entire world at large. Read and be blessed! Peace!
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8 Decisive Hours That Will Take You to the Topmost and Keep You There
8 Decisive Hours That Will Take You to the Topmost and Keep You There
Seven decisive Hours of prayers made Jesus. As a matter of fact, Jesus rose from the lowliest place of being known as the poor carpenter to the topmost position of the King of kings and Lord of lords.The eight hour decisive prayer has kept Jesus in His topmost position beside God the Father and for above all else. And of will keep anyone there alsoThe gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as the King, Mark as the servant, Luke as the man and John as the son of God.As a man, Luke recorded the seven decisive hours of prayer that translated Jesus and made Him who He is today.These seven decisive hours changed the life of Jesus as a man and will change the life of anyone no matter where such is placed in life today, for God is no respecter of persons.Jesus says follow me and I will make you; and where I am there will my followers be also.Read to learn and learn to apply the "Eight (8) Decisive Hours That Will Take You To The Topmost And Keep You There" and noting will stop you from reaching the topmost and staying there. It's a new day for you. See you at the topmost. Jesus Christ is Lord! Please read on.
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God's Wisdom Keys To Recover All
God's Wisdom Keys To Recover All
God's Wisdom Keys to Recover All presents Wisdom Keys to God's Recovery Plan for all who may have lost any inheritance in Christ. It is a goldmine of inestimable value put together to help you get back what belongs to you that the enemy may have stolen from you!Knowing that the thief is responsible for anything you may have lost, God says "then it shall be, because he has sinned and is guilty, that he shall restore what he has stolen, or the thing which he has extorted, or what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or the lost thing which he found, or all that about which he has sworn falsely. He shall restore its full value, add one-fifth more to it, and give it to whomever it belongs." You can Recover Anything You Ever Lost that rightly belongs to you in Christ! And this Book shows you How! There is no one who has not lost one thing or the other in his lifetime. The only thing that varies is the loss itself or its degree and frequency. However, the good news is that you can get back all you lost and much more. God says so, I did not, and He will make good His Word to you in Jesus Name.Scriptures show that Abraham recovered everything Lot and all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah lost.David recovered all the Amalekites took from David, his 600 men and from the city of Ziklag.Jesus recovered all that Satan took from Adam and not only restored what Adam lost in Eden but restored All there is in Heaven to man.Whatever you lost to the devil that Jesus through His death and resurrection purchased for you, YOU are getting them back. God cannot lie. Doubting God's Word leaves you in pains with your losses. To have faith in God and do as He has commanded opens the door to recovery of all things, and a life of joy. The goal of this Publication in your hands is to help you recover what you lost by showing you. How! God says, "The labour of the ignorant wearies them because they know not how." Read and do all you discover and no devil or enemy anywhere will stop you from recovering all that is yours. Jesus Christ is still the Lord!
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