Collected Bodhi Leaves Volume II
This book contains thirty numbers of the renowned Bodhi Leaves Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 31 Meditation—First Steps to Control of the Senses—P. M. Rao 32 The Threefold Division of the Noble Eightfold Path—Piyadassi Thera 33 Extinction Without Remainder—Buddhadasa Bhikkhu 34 Protection Through Satipatthana—Nyanaponika Thera 35 The Four Cankers (Asava)—T. H. Perera 36 Renunciation—T. Prince 37 The Preparatory Path—John D. Ireland 38 The Advantages of Merit—Bhikkhu Khantipalo 39 The Supreme Conqueror—Francis Story 40 Right Understanding—Bhikkhu Silabhadra 41 Applications of Dhamma—Siri Buddhasukh 42 Buddhism: A Method of Mind Training—Leonard Bullen 43 The Relevance of Buddhism in the Modern World—Princess Poon Pismai Diskul 44 Three Mental Faculties and Guarding the Doors of the Senses—Dr. Elizabeth Ashby 45 This Self Business and Other Essays—M. O’C. Walshe/Natasha Jackson/Dr. Elizabeth Ashby 46 The Way to Happiness—H. L. B. Ellegala 47 Women in Ancient India—C. D. Weerasinghe 48 Buddhist Observances and Practices—Piyadassi Thera 49 Saísara and The Way of Dispassion—Francis Story 50 Buddhist Ideas in English Poetry—Cyril Moore 51 Meditation: The Inward Journey—John Andrew Storey 52 Mindfulness: An All-Time Necessity—C. F. Knight and Reg McAuliffe 53 Why Buddhism? Why Theravada? Theravada, Mahayana, Hinayana—M. O'C. Walshe 54 Rebirth—John Andrew Storey 55 The Scientific Approach to Buddhism and The Appeal of Buddhism—Francis Story 56 Three Buddhist Tales—Various Authors 57 The Story of the Mahinda, Sanghamitta and the Sri Maha-Bodhi—Piyadassi Thera 58 An Actual Religion—Bhikkhu Silacara 59 Buddhist Lay Ethics—Francis Story 60 Mindfulness and Awareness—Nyanavira Thera