Milestones to Success
While innumerable books have been penned down by contemporary motivational speakers and writers on success, ambition, motivation, positive thinking and accomplishments; very few books, if any at all, have talked of what success actually is and how it is different from a socially-defined set of parameters. Being an IIT-Delhi, IIM-Ahmedabad and an Ex-Indian Civil Services Officer himself, the author very compassionately steps into the shoes of an ambitious mind and invites it to be sensitive towards the incessant suffering caused due to this burning desire to achieve. He vividly talks of how understanding of 'your' real aim will bring you to peace even during the race. He jovially remarks on how playing hard and not working hard will be a more sensible way of moving towards a goal. Author's genius lies in the fact that he has very simply answered the most intricate and complex questions that arise in the mind of every student and working professional, giving clarity on success, a topic that haunts them perpetually.