Garlands of Pearls of wisdom
This book, Garland of Pearls of Wisdom, is a commentary on the text Prashnottara-ratna-m?lik? by the great saint and scholar of Advaita Vedanta, Adi Shankaracharya. Though this text is rarely spoken of, it is a treasure trove of wisdom, presenting the most fundamental principles on life, dharma and the spiritual quest. Like any other work of Adi Shankaracharya, this too is profound, beautiful, and enlightening. While the text is set in poetry in Sanskrit, it conveys the various principles and instructions in the simplest of styles – Question-Answers. Each question-answer pair offers insightful instructions to the seeker for his/her spiritual pursuit with great directness and clarity. Perhaps the one thing that stands out as you go through this text is the simplicity with which the Acharya has dealt with the various ideas and principles essential for life and spirituality. For each question and answer, this book offers meaning for each of the words, and also a commentary to facilitate deeper reflection and introspection on the ideas presented by Adi Shankaracharya.