Ion-Solvent Interaction of Water Soluble Drugs in Binary Solvent Systems
At the outset, the author of the book welcomes his supervisor Prof. Dr. Smrutiprava Das who have joined me as coauthors of this text, a credit which would have been given earlier to them as they were helping in a latent way in the evolution of the book for the past six years. Six years have elapsed on the intellectual journey of writing a PhD thesis e-book in title “IonSolvent Interaction of Water Soluble Drugs in Binary Solvent Systems” in subject of chemistry. As chemical kinetics is growing at a dazzling pace, this edition has been demanding in a different way. In this 1 st edition, the book has been thoroughly described, enlarged and updated with chemical kinetics of ion-solvent interaction of water soluble drugs in binary solvent systems. Above and over all, this time the book has been presented in multicolour edition with profuse colour illustrations so as to increase its clarity, understand ability and legibility, especially of the diagrams. It is hoped that the present book, enlarged multicolour form, would serve in a still better way, the authors are keenly desirous of. Gratitude is expressed to the students and teachers, both from India and abroad, who have sent in their valuable suggestions which have been given due consideration. We are sincerely thankful to our publisher, Newredmars Education. We are also deeply indebted to my guide Prof. Dr. Smrutiprava Das for her sustained support of this endeavour from its inception; her wisdom has made all the difference. In fact, we are grateful to department of chemistry, Ravenshaw University, Odisha, India for their patience, buoyancy and encouragement of this venture which was more arduous than anticipated. Healthy criticism and suggestions for further improvement of the book are solicited.