The Coming of Kalki
The Islamic concept of Qiyamat, and the Christian percept of The Day of Judgment coincide with the prophecies in the Hindu Kaala-Gnyaanam written by the Sage Sree Pothuluru Veera Brahmendra Swami of the 17th Century. Swamiji gave a graphic description of the Day which upon analysis suggests a sudden reversal of the magnetic polarity of the earth resulting in a Global Catastrophe. Mysterious incidents are prophesied. On the dark night of Amavasya (new moon), a full moon would appear. As people get wonderstruck, cattle look up towards the sky and start to cry. The sky will become red; the sun and the moon will appear side by side, the planets will change course; and the Sun will henceforth rise from the West. Unbelievable change in human and animal behaviour will be noticed; the just-born will speak to their mothers and jump out of their laps, animals will talk to humans, idols in temples will come to life, extreme sensuality and incest will become the norm, wood will sink and stones will float; everything will become topsy-turvy. The Kaala-Gnyaanam promises that at such a time the Saviour Kalki will descend from the skies astride a white horse Devadutta, with a long sword in hand, followed by an army of valiant warriors. He will destroy the evil and establish a New Order. While the Galactic phenomena are amenable to scientific reasoning, the appearance of a Messaiah is a matter of individual faith. Between the two extremes lie the strange behaviours and incidents that defy logic. But Science and Religion are not separate, claims the author; they are the two poles of a Spectrum; and the Twain shall meet on the Day of Judgment…