Collected Wheel Publications Volume IV
This book contains 14 numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 47: Buddhism and the God-Idea by Nyanaponika Thera; 48– 9: The Discourse on the Snake Simile by Nyanaponika Thera; 50: Knowledge and Conduct by O. H. de A. Wijesekera, K. N. Jayatilleke, & E. A. Burtt; 51: Taming the Mind by Nyanaponika Thera; 52–3: Pathways of Buddhist Thought by Nyanamoli Thera; 54: The Mirror of the Dhamma by Narada Thera & Bhikkhu Kassapa; 55: The Five Precepts by Paul Dahlke, Bhikkhu Silacara, L.R. Oates, G. Constant Lounsbery; 56: Ordination in Theravada Buddhism by Piyadassi Thera; 57–8: A Discourse to Knowers of Veda by T. W. Rhys Davids; 59: Stories of Old by Nyanaponika Thera, Nyanamoli Thera, & Soma Thera; 60: The Satipatthana Sutta and Its Application to Modern Life by V. F. Gunaratna.