Urban Pest Control in Australia
Mice, rats, cockroaches, spiders, termites, flies, fleas, beetles and moths - in plague proportions and without adequate control would spread disease, destroy crops, and overwhelm civilisation. In the continuing battle, this manual and its predecessors have served as a standard reference and consulted by professional pest control operators throughout Australia for over 25 years. Now again extensively expanded and updated, this third edition of Urban Pest Control in Australia, in line with modern research trends, has adopted an integrated approach to the subject acknowledging that there are a wide variety of solutions to pest control problems, including the non-chemical one. While information on chemicals and pesticide applications has been brought right up-to-date, the authors have also stressed the environmental factors and paid particular attention to safety aspects. Over 200 black and white drawings and photographs have been included together with 80 photographs in full colour. Regarded as the authorative text in Australia, no pest control operator should be without a copy.