How to Give a Damn Good Speech
The best advice, openings, stories, and facts for a standout speech—from a professional speechwriter for CEOs, political figures, and other top officials. Don’t let the mere thought of presenting a speech tie your stomach in knots and put you in state of sheer panic. Philip Theibert, author of Business Writing for Busy People, has written How to Give a Damn Good Speech to help you give any speech, sounding like a seasoned pro. He provides a blueprint for producing a professional, thought-provoking, friendly, and authoritative speech, even when you have very little time to prepare. How to Give a Damn Good Speech provides you with professional speech writers’ techniques to make each and every speech a powerful presentation. Theibert has done years of research and has read thousands of speeches in an effort to better illustrate his points and bring you the best examples possible. You can read the book in its entirety or, if you simply need a refresher, you can read the section that best suits your needs. This format allows you to focus on areas of your speech that most need help. Topics covered include: How to organize and write a speech 100 important things you need to know about giving an effective speech Interesting and entertaining stories to use in any speech Best quotations ever heard Historical anecdotes for each day of the year How to Give a Damn Good Speech, with its easy-to-read, accessible style, makes writing and giving speeches a breeze, and will prevent you from turning green the next time you’re asked to give a speech.