Thy Kingdom Come 爾國臨格
Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the formation of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican Church) Province in 2018, Thy Kingdom Come: A Photographic History of Anglicanism in Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China is a richly illustrated history of the past 200 years. Although connected to the British colonial government, Hong Kong bishops always sought to relate the Church to Chinese society, making this story predominantly Chinese. The book is divided into five parts. Part I explores the beginnings of Anglican and Episcopal missions in China. Part II relates the history of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui (CHSKH) from 1912 to 1951, a turbulent time in China, when the church’s challenge was to respond to change in every facet of society. Part III illustrates the history of the Diocese from 1951 to 1981, during which new churches, schools, and clinics were established. Part IV records Hong Kong’s transition from colonial rule to the return to China; it was during these years that Bishop Peter Kong-kit Kwong developed parish ministries, strengthened missions in education and social welfare, and solidified relations with the church in China. Part V describes new developments in the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. With almost 180 photos, Thy Kingdom Come brings Church history to life in a way no prose history ever could. 《爾國臨格:港澳及內地聖公宗圖片史》豐富地勾勒出香港聖公會過往 200年的歷史,以慶賀香港聖公會教省成立20週年(2018)。縱然聖公會與英國殖民政府有著千絲萬縷的聯繫,但香港的主教常常尋求教會與中國社會的連結,從而使整部歷史成為了一部以華人敘事為主的歷史。 本書分為五部分。第一部分探索了在華聖公宗早期之歷史;第二部分則講述1912–1951年中華聖公會的歷史,其時中國正處於一個動盪的時代,教會需回應因社會變遷所帶來的挑戰;第三部分勾勒出1951–1981年的教區歷史,此時新的教堂、學校及醫院紛紛落成;第四部分記錄了香港從殖民地到回歸中國的轉變。其時正值鄺廣傑主教主理時期,鄺主教發展了牧區事工,並加強了教育、社會福利方面的服務,亦鞏固了與中國教會的關係;第五部分則描述了香港聖公會新的發展方向。 《爾國臨格:港澳及內地聖公宗圖片史》一書收錄了近180張照片,使教會歷史栩栩如生地重現眼前,這是僅用文字來敘述歷史所無法達到的。 “This beautiful book is a moving witness to the work of God in Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. It pays tribute to all those who faithfully proclaimed and responded to the word of God, and to the vibrancy of the life of the Church in that province. I thoroughly recommend it, both home and abroad, for those looking at their own history and those learning of the church universal.” —Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury 「這部優美的歷史圖集,是上帝在港澳地區及中國內地神妙作為的動人見證。她向滿有生機活力的香港教省,以及所有忠誠傳揚和回應上帝聖言的人表達了敬意。我全心全意地將這部圖集推薦予全世界每一位關注自身歷史和普世教會的人。」 ──坎特伯里大主教賈斯汀•韋爾比 “This book is an invaluable resource to understand the history of the Chinese Anglican Church. Each picture tells a different story of the people or mission work of the Church. Together they form a colorful mosaic of Christians whose work has furthered God’s Kingdom.” ─Professor Kwok Pui Lan, Emory University, USA 「本書為了解聖公會在華歷史提供了珍貴資料。每幀圖片勾勒了教會領袖或宣教事工的故事,整體像一幅多彩的鑲嵌畫,表明信徒如何促進天國降臨。」──美國埃默里大學教授郭佩蘭