American Literature in Context from 1865 to 1929
This book places major literary works within the context of thetopics that engaged a great number of American writers in theperiod from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the GreatDepression Topics include Civil War memory, the virtual re-enslavement ofAfrican-Americans after Reconstruction, and radical socialmovements Draws on a range of documents from magazine and newspaperaccounts to government reports and important non-fiction Presents a contemporary history as writers might haveunderstood it as they were writing, not as historians haveinterpreted it. Designed to be compatible with the major anthologies ofliterature from the period Equips students and general readers with the necessaryhistorical context needed to understand the writings from thisperiod and provides original and useful readings that demonstratehow context contributes to meaning Includes a historical timeline, featuring key literary works,American presidents, and historical events