In the footsteps of the Rusyns in Europe: Ukraine, Slovakia, Serbia, Poland and Hungary
The aim of this monograph is to present the current situation of Rusyns in those European countries where, according to official or estimated statistics, their number is the highest - Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Serbia. In presenting the situation of the Rusyn population in these countries, an attempt has been made to indicate the number of Rusyns in the countries under study and at the same time to point out the problems of obtaining accurate data on Rusyns. Another aim of the research was to find out what the main elements of Rusyn ethnic identity are - here, regardless of geographical differences, religious affiliation or Byzantine rite (Catholic or Orthodox) stood out in the first place. The research also focused on the use of the Rusyn language and changes in its status, the possibilities of teaching the Rusyn language and the interest in teaching it among the Rusyns themselves. In addition to these two main aspects of Rusyn identity, other key elements of Rusyn material and non-material culture were also investigated. Emphasis was placed on the use of primarily qualitative methods to refine the available quantitative data. The results presented in this publication are based on both field research and research with Rusyn respondents conducted remotely via electronic communication in 2014-2019. Although this is a five-year period, it is possible to compare the individual Rusyn communities in the five countries studied, at least in part, synchronically (i.e. here and now).