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Humans Get Their Dirt Back
Humans Get Their Dirt Back
After completing his work, this book's editor, Jack Turner, spontaneously responded, "Generally, the stories are excellent, being both educational and entertaining. " Today (11/26/2024), the book has six 5-star reviews. Many readers also recommend this book to adults. Mike & Alex Part 4, a part of a series of children's books, is a thrilling and engaging read for children aged 9-12. We've considered the age at which children start to read, using a clear and somewhat larger font and ample line spacing. In Part 4, the chairman of the whaling meet speaks a lot, providing an opportunity for reading exercises that teach children to read with comprehension. The educational aspect of the three interconnected stories is mainly in the description of the animals' life behavior but also in the explanations and maps of different places in the world. The 'entertainment' factor is a key component, with engaging topics like cleaning the seas and a captivating description method. This approach has been well-received in my first book, 'Double Spy, an autobiography, ' published in 2014. In this book, the French bunny Jean-Pierre finds our main characters. Mike is a giant rabbit, and Alex is a large wild boar. They have helped animals many times when they were suffering from human behavior. In this book, for example, they help whale Wally get rid of a harpoon in his back. As a thank you, Wally offers them a world cruise with him. It is luxuriously furnished for this purpose. Once on their journey, they are called upon to do something against the whalers at the South Pole. They notice that they have made the whales angry. Then the tuna come to Puck and Evert to complain about all the people's dirt in the world's oceans. Our friends devise a solution for this, where the garbage is deposited back on people's doorsteps.
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Double Spy
Double Spy
Double Spy is my autobiography as a double agent in East Germany and the Netherlands, from March 1967 to September 1970. While I visited a young woman in Chemnitz, two men approached her, wanting to see me. Soon after, we spoke, and they recruited me as a spy for the HVA (intelligence service of the Ministry of State Security, the STASI). Back in the Netherlands, I immediately reported to the BVD, which 'took me over'. I was only 27 at the time. I had no formal education, and the officers in the HVA-"the People's Army"-were high school graduates, having only attended a 'college' to become a spy. The 'officers' were not capable enough to question me with much success. Their weak attempt to drink me under the table failed miserably, thanks to my epilepsy medication. My story revolves around the Cold War, but it reveals the unhappy lives of the people living under the dictatorship. My life's story celebrates how happy and thankful we should be to live in a free country. Ultimately, Berlin threatened me. My wife convinced me to leave the spy business behind once she conceived our son. My name has surfaced in the STASI archives, but nothing more. This is my story as a Double Spy. Peter van Wermeskerken (born 31-12-1939 Zeist) was 14 when his father asked him to help reporting for his local newspaper. He was co-winner in an essay contest on agricultural cooperative in the EEC (1960). He worked at various newspapers before joining the New Zeister Courant in 1965 to succeed his dad. Begin 1970 he went to Algemeen Dagblad newspaper at Rotterdam. There he specialized in reporting on energy and the economy. In 1989 he was appointed to the chief economic desk. Since late 2008, he and his wife live in Uelsen, Germany.
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A Kid During Wartime WWII
A Kid During Wartime WWII
In this 4-story collection: Sabotage by two bad little kids, the author among them; Potato Peel soup; Hunger trip for beets and wood; and Symbol of Freedom – Crackers with red jam. Finally, thank you to the Americans, British, and Canadians for our liberation & freedom! Now advanced in years, I have lived a wonderful life and my joy comes in sharing these memories with you. Cheerio!
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Human s get their Dirt Back
Human s get their Dirt Back
This is part 4 in the series Mike & Alex, a rabbit and a wild boar, who have grown very big because the farmer allowed them to eat the leftovers of sow Sophie. In this way they become the leaders in the Animal Forest and lead the actions against animal-unfriendly acts by people. They do the same in book 2 in which they travel through Western Europe. In book 3 they are picked up in Normandy by the Dol-Phin family. to go to Wally the Whale. He escaped the whalers, but with a very painful harpoon in his back. They take them out. Then they will probably offer Wally a trip around the world with him as a thank you. Then we are in book 4. Daafrin masks Mike and Alex a plan to teach the whalers at the South Pole a lesson. That succeeds and then the tons come asking if they also have a plan to clean up all the human waste in the seas. That plan comes and the junk is delivered to the people on the doorstep of their existence. The blanks for books 5 and 6 are ready.
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The Big Salt Water
The Big Salt Water
The French bunny Jean-Pierre has tracked down Mike and Alex and brings them to the Normandy coast, where the Allied invasion of German-occupied Europe took place in August 1944. A dolphin family is waiting there to take our heroes to Wally. This whale managed to escape the whalers with a harpoon in its back. Of course, Mike and Alex, with the help of many dolphins and a selection of special seaweeds, manage to heal the whale. Wally is so grateful for this that he invites the land animals on a world cruise by whale. The luxury on board the whale can hardly be described. In part 4, which follows this story, it turns out that it will not be a cruise of lazing around, but of meeting some major needs of the sea animals.
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Mike & Alex, Parts 3 and 4
Mike & Alex, Parts 3 and 4
5 Star review on OnlineBookClub. “Generally, the stories are really excellent, being both educational and entertaining,” was the spontaneous response of this book's editor, Jack Turner, after completing his work. The book is now available to several reviewers. You can also read their assessment here. Mike & Alex is a series of children's books for children aged 6-12. We've taken into account the age at which children start to read, using a clear and somewhat larger font and ample line spacing. The educational aspect of the three interconnected stories is largely in the description of the animals' life behavior but also in the explanations and maps of different places in the world. The 'entertainment' factor is a key component, with engaging topics like cleaning the seas and a captivating method of description. This approach has been well-received in my first book, 'Double Spy, an autobiography', published in 2014. In this book, the French bunny Jean-Pierre finds our main characters. Mike is a giant rabbit, and Alex is a large wild boar. They have helped animals many times when they were suffering from human behavior. In this book, for example, they help whale Wally get rid of a harpoon in his back. As a thank you, Wally offers them a world cruise with him. It is luxuriously furnished for this purpose. Once on their journey, they are called upon to do something against the whalers at the South Pole. They notice that they have made the whales angry. Then the tuna come to Puck and Evert to complain about all the people's dirt in the world's oceans. Our friends devise a solution for this, where the garbage is deposited back on people's doorsteps.
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Magic and Modernity
Magic and Modernity
This is the first book to explore comparatively how magic—usually portrayed as the antithesis of the modern—is also at home in modernity.
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Een oord van bang wachten
Een oord van bang wachten
Tijdens de Duitse bezetting werd het grootseminarie bij Haaren, tussen Tilburg en ’s-Hertogenbosch, als gijzelaarskamp en ‘Polizeigefängnis’ gebruikt. Er zaten onder anderen verzetsstrijders, agenten van het beruchte Englandspiel en joodse burgers. Onder de gijzelaars waren de latere premier Jan de Quay en industrieel Frits Philips. De gijzelaars hingen represailles boven het hoofd, de gevangenen waren in bange afwachting van hun verhoor, proces, vonnis en wegvoering. Van verschillende gedetineerden zijn de verhalen bekend, maar het ‘grote verhaal’ wordt nu voor het eerst gepresenteerd. Haaren was een kamp van levensgrote tegenstellingen: terwijl gijzelaars in de zon zaten, stapten joodse gevangenen in vrachtwagens die naar Westerbork reden. Van de drieduizend gevangenen zijn meer dan zeshonderd in een concentratiekamp omgekomen. Dit boek laat zien dat het gebouw als ‘plaats van herinnering’ – het is grotendeels nog in oorspronkelijke staat – een duidelijke plaats verdient op de historische kaart van Nederland.
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Happiness follows after Friday the 13th
Happiness follows after Friday the 13th
This is a cute short story that turns into a real romance. No wonder. On that infamous Friday the 13th, the London saleswoman Julie really does have a pile of bad luck. Especially bad luck in the people she meets. Although, there is one.... And the beauty of the story is that it happened almost entirely in real life, incidentally in the southwest of England, instead of the southeast, during the honeymoon of the author.
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