A Time to be Born
Having a title that suggests that I was born to do something for three generations of Russlaender Mennonites is a bit crass, and yet that is what three testimonial contributors suggest, though unknown to one another. "Peter Penner's rich and varied life exemplifies bridge-building between the worlds of church and academy. Situated as he was on the physical 'edge' of Mennonite communities for much of his career, his perspective on their history and identity is full of insight. As pastor, teacher, scholar, and volunteer, he has brought a critical yet gentle and loving eye to a lifetime of service." Marlene Epp, University of Waterloo Another, the late Paul Toews, Fresno, CA, historian, "This autobiography of Peter Penner is a vivid and powerful story of combining objective and dispassionate scholarly analysis with deep religious commitments." A third, a non-Mennonite wrote: His research and exposition of the MB Mission to India "brought together the accumulated and finely honed scholarly skills, both historical and theological, that Peter Penner possessed." Robert Eric Frykenberg, University of Wisconsin While this Memoir covers three generations, each of which has brought its different experiences, excitements, and decision-making, one constant has been the Mennonite faith and culture with which I was imbued in those first thirty years. What were those years like for me? Justina, herself the greatest of volunteers, has been my wife and companion for more than two generations. We have touched many lives, have seen many things, and have stories to tell.