A never-before-seen chronicle of the people & places that populate New York¿s famed graffiti scene. Peter Sutherland took these color photographs over the course of three years, 2001-2004. The book features 53 portraits authentically tagged by: 323, AREA, ARTZ, CINIK, CLAW, COPE 2, CYCLE, DECK, DIVA, DONA, DOZE, DSENSE, EARSNOT, EWOK, FANTA, FUTURA, GEN 2, GLACER, GOAL, JAKEE, JEST, KAWS, KECH, KORN, KR, KSER, LADY PINK, LASE, MADE , MERZ, MINT, MOSCO, MUK, MYNOCK 21, NATO, NET, NYMZ, OZE 108, PEEK, PEZ, RATE, REHAB, REVS, SACER, SAME, SARE, SEMEN, SEMZ, SERF, SINCE, STAY HIGH 149, UFO, VFRESH, YEAR, & ZER.