The Language of Literacy : a National Resource Directory of Aboriginal Literacy Programs
This directory presents, in narrative form, core information about the operations of approximately 100 Aboriginal literacy programs throughout Canada. To qualify for inclusion in the directory, each program had to offer basic, functional, or advanced literacy training; offer literacy training in English, French, or an Aboriginal language; be "Aboriginal controlled"; and attract learners who are "return students." The program profiles are arranged by province and include contact information, host organization, communities served, program mission and objectives, program features, and unusual features or concerns. Some Quebec program descriptions are presented in French. Programs are hosted primarily by First Nation Band Councils and Aboriginal community centers. The programs in the directory have met and overcome a number of challenges: the isolation and onerous responsibilities of literacy practitioners, inadequate financial resources, the need to provide a safe and welcoming environment, the need to develop a curriculum that is both culturally relevant and relevant to adults' lives, transportation and daycare obstacles, learners' personal problems that decrease motivation, and inadequate access to technology and technical assistance. Successful programs share several critical features: a safe and welcoming environment, supportive community leadership, competent program staff, community support resources, adequate human and financial resources, relevant personalized programming, and appropriate curriculum. Information is presented on funding and support available from the National Literacy Secretariat, and an agenda for a national Aboriginal literacy conference is suggested.