The second edition of this British publication provides details of recent developments in the assessment of reading attainments and the analysis of reading processes. The book begins with a description of various types of reading tests and assessment techniques with consideration given to the purposes for which normative, criterion-referenced, and informal approaches are appropriate. A strategy for selecting instruments is outlined. A chapter is devoted to the Informal Reading Inventory and to oral miscue analysis. The major portion of the book consists of information and comment on 199 instruments and batteries of tests available to teachers for the assessment of their pupils' progress and for the identification, diagnosis, and analysis of reading difficulties. Over 125 new entries are described in this revision, and the country of origin of each test is stated. For the test descriptions and comment retained from the earlier edition, information has been updated and extended. The book concludes with details of other sources of reading test information plus an annotated bibliography of recent publications on the identification and alleviation of reading difficulties. (MS)