Counterfeit Gods
Counterfeit Gods Foreword Novellas have many ways of being born. This one found its genesis when, after reading my book Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time, my office janitor asked me, "Hey, Doc. If you treated Reverend Jim Jones when he was twelve-years old, could 918 deaths at Jonestown have been prevented?" "Maybe," I replied. This novella is partly a memoir about my love of my work. The story is about the possibilities and profound difficulties in changing destinies. Unlike many melodramatic TV or Hollywood movie scenarios, such changes occurring in psychotherapy are deceptively quiet...often muted. Psychotherapy involves many emotional experiences...anxiety, fear, fascination, wonder, boredom, humor/laughter, anger, sadness and often psychological pain. However, the more severe and ominous forms of pain, destruction and even prevented deaths, go unheralded. TheyOlsson-Counterfeit Godsare unnoticed because existentially, they like a suicide prevented, never in fact exist. Any genuine change in psychotherapy is always a story about two or more lives. The format I chose for this book is to alternate one chapter of Will's story (the Novel), with a subsequent chapter of psychiatric observations and knowledge about the destructive cult leader the Rev. Jim Jones. I am grateful for my friend and colleague Stuart Yudofsky MD's excellent suggestion about this format. It was sometimes used by one of my favorite authors, Allen Wheelis MD. I hope that my character Will and his treatment ...and even the story of the horrible aspects of Rev Jim Jones's troubled life, can help thwart the evil of destructive cults. So, be wary of all gurus and would-be emperors in new clothes!CONTENTSChapter 1 A BOY NAMED WILLIAM I. POWERSCHAPTER II... A Most Malignant Pied Piper: The Not So Reverend Jim Jones.CHAPTER III-HelpersCHAPTER IV Father Jones and His Family Who Are in Hell CHAPTER V-On Evil's Door Step: An Unsuccessful House CallCHAPTER VI-Psychiatric Science As Love: Knowing The EnemyCHAPTER VII-Harry and Monica : Grandparental Love DefinedCHAPTERVIII-The Psychological Births of Malignant Pied PipersCHAPTER IX-So This is Therapy?CHAPTER X- Jim Jones's Twisted Psychological RootsCHAPTER XI-Shadows on the Therapy and Hints of Evil ThingsCHAPTER XII-The Tragedy of Little John Victor StoenChapter XIII-Therapy : Art or Science?CHAPTER XIV-The Dark Epiphanies of Jim JonesCHAPTER XV-Enter Father God Jed PowersCHAPTER XVI-Jim Jones a Seeker of His Father-HimselfCHAPTER XVII-In Search of a Father's LoveCHAPTER XVIII-Jim Jones's Narcissistic RageCHAPTER XIX-Will Powers Therapy Starts to Take HoldCHAPTER XX-Jim Jones's Mother Dearest of Doom.CHAPTER XXI-Benevolent Authorities and Progress in TherapyCHAPTER XXII-GOODBYE, to the Topic of Jim Jones's Evil Domain : HELLO to Will's Therapy; a Cure Jones Never Found.CHAPTER XXIII-The Devil Gets the Drop on the HelpersCHAPTER XXIV-Has Therapy Begun in Earnest?CHAPTER XXV-No Easy Textbook AnswersCHAPTER XXVI-Justice, Rarely So Clear and SwiftCHAPTER XXVII-Son and FatherCHAPTER XXVIII-Conundrums Of Cures.CHAPTER XXIX-Sacred Peer Supervision: A Janusian Group ProcessCHAPTER XXX-Janus Turns Personal and Private.CHAPTER XXXI-Goodbye Jake Old Friend CHAPTER XXXII-Healed =A Politically Incorrect Happy EndingEXISTENTIAL ADDENDUM: An Anti-Politically Correct Revenge Dream