Clouds in a Summer Sky
Welcome to Batch Magna, a place where anything might happen. And often does... Life in an old steam boat deep in the Welsh Borders holds numerous charms, but the Commander’s wife Priny is suffering from arthritis, a condition not at all improved by their water-based lifestyle. The couple take up an offer from Humphrey, the squire of Batch Hall, of a straight swap: their boat, the Batch Castle, for one of the Masters’ Cottages facing their beloved river. The Castle is restored to river-worthiness and starts plying successfully as the Cluny Steamboat Company to Shrewsbury and back. As a result it takes a good deal of profit away from a taxi firm in a local border town, much to the displeasure of the firm’s English owner, Sidney Acton. Enlisting the aid of two corrupt Welsh councillors, Acton plots against the new venture. Only time will tell if his sabotage attempts will bear fruit or blow up in his face... What readers are saying about The Batch Magna Chronicles series: “An enchanting mixture of The Wind in The Willows and The Darling Buds of May. An England that doesn’t exist but surely should.” “Reading this book was like sitting down for a nice long chat with an old friend. I loved reading the Welsh village descriptions; it felt like coming home. ... I eagerly await the next instalment of the Batch Magna crew!” “I first got this book out of the local library, and then brought a copy – I wanted to read it again and again. It’s a treasure, a smashing read, funny and beautifully written.” “These books are such fun, darkly comic and full of great characters. ... Batch Magna is a place I would love to find, and the river sounds idyllic.” “Hurrah for Batch Magna, Humphrey and friends.” “I loved this book. It’s lyrical and very amusing, with all the charm of an old Ealing comedy. ... More please Mr Maughan!” “What an amazing writer! I have never found any descriptive writing that has gripped me so much before.” “A thoroughly enjoyable read. ... Is there another Batch Magna book on the way, please? Such a wonderfully descriptive bucolic and warmly ‘human’ story with echoes of the Darling Buds of May.” “A wonderful, funny, well-crafted escape from everyday life. If you love writing that absorbs you into the landscape you will love this book. Every sense was satisfied with the author’s beautiful descriptions of the Marches. Escape from the tarmac, concrete and relentlessness of life with this stunning book. Thank you Mr Maughan.” “I absolutely loved this book and all the characters became so real to me, I just couldn’t put it down.”