Zero to One Summary
Zero to One: A Complete SummaryZero to One is a book by Peter Thiel, co-founder of Pay-Pal. It presents a collection of advice and hints for startup companies. This book, before it was even transformed into a book, was a collection of lessons and lectures. Back in 2012 Thiel decided that he could gather together all of his lessons, advice and other useful information into one book, which became Zero to One. What is it all about? Why write a book that is just a collection of advice? Peter Thiel, together with several other 'nerds,' decided to found Pay-Pal back in late nineties. As we see that today, that decision was definitely a good one. Thiel, along with his fellow co-founders, is now a multi-millionaire. With such clear evidence of his business success, Thiel decided that it would be a great idea for him to share the many things that he has learned from years of experience in running a business. The result was this book. Zero to One, in addition to being a collection of experience and advice, is also a great source of help for anyone who has recently started or wants to start their own business. Fun, educational, and information-rich, it is a book worth reading and studying.Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Get:- A summarized version of the book.- You will find the book analyzed to further strengthen your knowledge.- Fun multiple choice quizzes, along with answers to help you learn about the book.Get a copy, and learn everything about Zero to One.