Virus-Like Particles
This book represents the first complete and systematic guide to the virus-like particles (VLPs) and their applications as vaccines, therapeutic tools, nanomaterials, and nanodevices. The grouping of the VLPs follows the most recent virus taxonomy and the traditional Baltimore classification of viruses, which are based on the genome structure and mechanism of mRNA synthesis. Within each of the seven Baltimore classes, the order taxon serves as a framework of the chapter’s arrangement. The term "VLP" is used as a universal designation for the virus-, core-, or capsid-like structures, which became an important part of the modern molecular virology. The 3D structures, expression systems, and nanotechnological applications are described for VLPs in the context of the original viruses and uncover their evolving potential as novel vaccines and medical interventions. Key Features Presents the first full guide to the VLP nanotechnology, classified by current viral taxonomy Outlines specific structural properties and interconnection of the virions and VLPs Explains generation and characteristics of VLPs produced by various expression systems Offers up-to-date summary of VLPs designed as vaccines and delivery tools Unveils interconnection of VLPs with novel organic and inorganic nanomaterials