Windows Script Host
Introduction The Windows Script Host, or WSH, is a wonderful tool that is available to all users of the Windows operating system. In a nutshell, WSH is used to create scripts that automate operating system-related tasks. Which tasks are these? Anything you do with the Windows operating system, as opposed to an application program, falls into this category. Examples include copying and deleting files, logging onto network drives and printers, and executing programs. But WSH is not limited to operating system tasks - thanks to Microsoft's Component Object Model, scripts can also control many applications programs, such as Word and Excel. Almost anything you can do sitting at your computer's keyboard, you can also program a script to do for you. So, what's the big deal? There are two factors: Saving time. With a couple of clicks, you can execute a script that carries out a complex series of action that would take a considerable time to perform manually. Preventing errors. Once tested and debugged, a script will carry out a precise sequence of actions error-free every time. Few people can say the same thing about their keyboard skills! Either of these factors by itself would make a strong argument for scripting. Together, they are overpowering. Any Windows user who has gone beyond casual computing is a candidate to benefit from using WSH. Network administrators and other computer professionals can derive even more benefit. Who This Book Is For The intended audience for this book is anyone who wants to automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks under the Windows operating system. This includes both computer users, for whom the computer is a tool, as well as network professionals and systems administrators, who are responsibile for maintaining computer systems used by others. I assume no prior knowledge on the part of the reader beyond a reasonable familiarity with Windows. Specifically, no programming experience is needed. If, however, you do have some programming experience, certain parts of the book will likely go faster for you. What You Need The requirements for using this book are quite simple: a computer running Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, or 2000. As you will learn in Chapter 1, WSH is installed along with some of these operating systems, but must be installed separately with others (Windows 95 and NT). Details on obtaining the free install are also included in Chapter 1. Resources You will find my Web page for this book at this URL: This page lets you download a compressed archive containing all of the book's scripts, and there is also a link for reporting any errors, problems, or suggestion. I will also post a list of corrections and updates as they become available. Additional Internet resources for the Windows Script Host programmer can be found in Appendix 7. Peter G. Aitken Chapel Hill, North Carolina January 2001