Rich Happy Strong Free
Rich Happy Strong Free is a book intended to shift thinking and action away from consumption, indulgence and engagement with technology. To help you re-focus toward building reserves and capacity in the critical areas of life that matter. To work towards freedom, financial security, improved health, better relationships and profound happiness. Success isn't just about money, possessions, looks, accolades or trophies. It shouldn't be defined by achievement in one area at the expense of any of the other vital areas. Real success is a matter of balance, which can only be made possible through personal growth, self-regulation and discipline, without compromise. Rich Happy Strong Free isn't a get-rich-quick scheme or five-minute abs pitch. Expect a pragmatic approach that may well "call-you-out" on the very things that are holding you back from taking complete control of your world. Is it time to face your future? I say, yes. Enjoy the book, Peter A. Charlesworth.