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Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 5/e by Brewer/Garrison/Noreen is based on the market-leading text, Managerial Accounting, by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer. However, this is not simply a briefer book with chapters removed; Brewer 5e has been rethought and retooled to meet the needs of the market. Brewer 5e is a more accessible, yet thoroughly student-friendly text that satisfies the basic needs of the managerial accounting student without unnecessary depth on advanced topics associated with the follow-up course: cost accounting/cost management. Faculty and students alike will find this new edition has retained the hallmark features of the Garrison brand: author-written supplements, excellent readability, terrific examples, and balanced end-of-chapter material.
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Managerial Accounting for Managers
Managerial Accounting for Managers
Managerial Accounting for Managers, 2nd Edition by Noreen/Brewer/Garrison is based on the market-leading text, Managerial Accounting, by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer. The Noreen book was created to serve customers who do not wish to teach the financial accounting-oriented content that is included in the Garrison book. Of our three books (the Brewer book, the Garrison book, and the Noreen book), the Noreen book is the most pure management accounting textbook. The other two books have greater amounts of financial accounting content. Managerial Accounting for Managers, 2nd Edition is geared towards professors who love Garrison’s market-leading managerial accounting content, but have been bothered by the debits and credits included in the book. It includes the same coverage of managerial accounting topics such as Relevant Costs for Decision Making, Capital Budgeting Decisions, and Segment Reporting and Decentralization. The job-order costing chapter has been extensively rewritten to remove all journal entries. Furthermore, the chapters dealing with process costing, the statement of cash flows, and financial statement analysis have been dropped to enable professors to focus their attention on the bedrocks of managerial accounting—planning, control, and decision making.
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Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
As the long-time #1 best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within their organisations - plan operations, control activities, and make decisions - and explains what accounting information is necessary for these functions, how to collect it, and how to interpret it. Garrison's Managerial Accounting is known for its relevance, accuracy, and clarity. It is also unique in that the authors write the most important supplements that accompany the book: solutions manual, test bank, instructor's manual, and study guide making them both of high quality and extremely consistent with the textbook.
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The Transformation of England
The Transformation of England
Peter Mathias’s subject is the creation in late eighteenth-century England of the industrial system – and thereby the present world. That unique conjuncture poses the sharpest questions about the nature of industrialization, social change and historical explanation, issues that are his principal scholarly concern. For many readers these collected studies will be as indispensable as the author’s general introduction, The First Industrial Nation, whether for the richness of their material or the freedom and subtlety of his analysis. These fascinating essays are divided into two groups: general themes, the ‘uniqueness’ in Europe of the industrial revolution, capital formation, taxation, the growth of skills, science and technical change, leisure and wages, diagnoses of poverty; and topics, the social structure, the industrialization of brewing, coinage, agriculture and the drink industries, advances in public health and the armed forces, British and American public finance in the War of Independence, Dr Johnson and the business world. This book was first published in 1979.
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Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 3/e by Brewer/Garrison/Noreen is based on the market-leading text, Managerial Accounting, by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer. However, this is not simply a briefer book with chapters removed; B/G/N has been rethought and retooled to meet the needs of the market. B/G/N 3/e is a more accessible, yet thoroughly student-friendly text that satisfies the basic needs of the managerial accounting student without unnecessary depth on advanced topics associated with the follow-up course, cost accounting/cost management. Faculty and students alike will find this new edition has retained the hallmark features of the Garrison brand: author-written supplements, excellent readability, terrific examples, and balanced end-of-chapter material.
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Inventing Academic Freedom
Inventing Academic Freedom
An account of the campus sit-in and ensuing controversy that triggered a revolution in Canadian universities and was key to establishing the principles of academic freedom in Canada
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Workbook/Study Guide for Use with Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Workbook/Study Guide for Use with Introduction to Managerial Accounting
This study aid, written by Eric Noreen, provides suggestions for studying chapter material, summarizes essential points in each chapter, and tests students' knowledge using self-test questions and exercises.
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Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
As the long-time #1 best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within their organisations - plan operations, control activities, and make decisions - and explains what accounting information is necessary for these functions, how to collect it, and how to interpret it. Garrison's Managerial Accounting is known for its relevance, accuracy, and clarity. It is also unique in that the authors write the most important supplements that accompany the book: solutions manual, test bank, instructor's manual, and study guide making them both of high quality and extremely consistent with the textbook.
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