Eclectic Projects 001
This first issue of Eclectic Projects features four original short stories, the launch of an ongoing serial, and one feature essay from Aurealis and Ditmar award-winning author Peter M. Ball Featuring a blend of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, this issue includes: ● Two ex-lovers with a bloody, magical secret who reunite in On Meeting An Ex-Girlfriend For Drinks At The Bar Of The Hotel Trio. ● Young hooligans in trouble with the law get sent to faerie to lie low in Four Mohocks, Sent Abroad. ● Two travellers trapped in a deadly quarantine in Sweltering Fruit. ● A reluctant photographer who shoots the subject's soul, instead of their face, in Box Brownie Blues. This issue also sees the debut of The Shackleton Job, an ongoing serial about the professional thief Tallulah Wyndham-Pryce and the otherworldly entities who contract her services, and the original writing essay On Heinlein’s Habits & The Rise Of The New Pulp Era. Long regarded as one of Australia’s weirder speculative fiction authors, Peter M. Ball now brings you original fiction each month in his own magazine, Eclectic Projects. Peter is also the author of the novellas Horn, Bleed, Exile, Frost, and Crusade, and his short stories are collected in The Birdcage Heart & Other Strange Tales, Not Quite The End Of The World Just Yet, and These Strange & Magic Things. He’s the brain in charge at Brain Jar Press and lives in Brisbane with his spouse and a very demanding cat. You can follow his writing life at