Biochemistry Primer for Exercise Science
Students trained in traditional exercise physiology have learned the basic concepts of energy but often don’t fully understand human energy consumption at the molecular level. Biochemistry Primer for Exercise Science, Fourth Edition, provides an introduction to biochemistry that will give readers greater insight into the molecular aspects of human physical activity. Reflecting the rapid development of the field, this classic text continues to present the essentials of biochemistry—molecular biology, basic chemistry, metabolism, and transcription regulation—in an easy-to-understand format. The fourth edition features the most recent research in exercise biochemistry plus new and revised content, including the following: • All-new coverage of the control of biochemistry and biochemical and muscular adaptations to exercise and training via signaling pathways, an area of study that has received much attention in recent years • Added information on the regulation of gene expression, which highlights the need for students to comprehend the basics of molecular biology • Next Stage sections in each chapter, which lead students toward emerging areas of knowledge in the field by examining new or controversial areas of research • An integration of the chapters on DNA, RNA, and the regulation of protein synthesis to provide a more focused and effective presentation of these key concepts Biochemistry Primer for Exercise Science, Fourth Edition, combines information from nutrition, physiology, and biochemistry to provide a clear explanation of the working of metabolism and the human body’s response to physical activity. Special elements throughout the text help to demystify this complex and dynamic field of study. Key points reinforce essential concepts and aid readers in relating them to sport and exercise. Chapter summaries outline important information to take away, and review questions with answers allow readers to test their knowledge of each chapter’s content. A comprehensive glossary and the list of abbreviations found on the inside front and back covers help readers become familiar with commonly used biochemistry terms, and a reference list provides a starting point for exploring areas of interest in more detail. With its combination of essential topics, new findings, and future directions in research, Biochemistry Primer for Exercise Science, Fourth Edition, is a perfect resource for anyone looking to build an understanding of exercise biochemistry. Both students and professionals alike will find the information they need to begin their exploration of this fascinating field of study.