Quantum Groups
The papers in this volume are based on the talks given at the conference on quantum groups dedicated to the memory of Joseph Donin, which was held at the Technion Institute, Haifa, Israel in July 2004. A survey of Donin's distinguished mathematical career is included. Several articles, which were directly influenced by the research of Donin and his colleagues, deal with invariant quantization, dynamical $R$-matrices, Poisson homogeneous spaces, and reflection equation algebras. The topics of other articles include Hecke symmetries, orbifolds, set-theoretic solutions to the pentagon equations, representations of quantum current algebras, unipotent crystals, the Springer resolution, the Fourier transform on Hopf algebras, and, as a change of pace, the combinatorics of smoothly knotted surfaces. The articles all contain important new contributions to their respective areas and will be of great interest to graduate students and research mathematicians interested in Hopf algebras, quantum groups, and applications. Information for our distributors: This book is copublished with Bar-Ilan University (Ramat-Gan, Israel).