Disfellowshipping and Discrimination of a Religious Minority
This book aims at assessing the Norwegian Government’s policy of denying Jehovas vitner state grants, removing Jehovas vitner’s registration and denying re-registration through the lens of the European Convention on Human Rights. Its methodology is based on the Strasbourg Court’s approach to similar leading cases, describing in the first part of the text the factual circumstances of the case and the relevant legal framework and practice, including domestic, international, comparative law, case-law and soft law, in order to spotlight the most important court cases on disfellowshipping and disassociation reported in the world. The second part of the text focuses on articles 9 and 11 of the ECHR, read alone or in conjunction with its article 14, applying the general principles of the pertinent case-law to the present case. Concluding remarks close the text in the light of the overarching principles of autonomy of religious communities and state neutrality in religious matters.