Poems for Your Brave Heart
The poems in this volume are poems for your brave heart, little seeds of spirit that will hopefully speak to your strength and beauty and help you reconnect to the timeless love you and we all are. It is in stillness that we find our true soul, our real strength, and our lasting happiness. Poetry can give us stillness. Poems can be sweet and lovely. Poems can shake us deeply. Poems can speak what must be said. To take a moment with a poem, we experience the holiness of this divine creation. We encounter the beautiful, the painful, the timid, and the tall. We are not our physical circumstances. We are not the death of our loved one, for we will see them again one day. We are not poverty, lack, hate, or injustice. We are not illness or accident. We are not sorrow or desperation. We are not mistakes. But we must overcome these things from time to time. We must regain hope. To sit with a poem and to let the reading of the poem fill a quiet moment helps us see that we are eternal spirits of promise, love, kindness, and holiness. We all truly matter. We are timeless and limitless beings, and we connect with this in our quiet, still center. We are the seed of God placed here in creation to do good things. To connect with our capacity to create good and to know we are completely loved by our Creator is where peace comes from. To keep moving forward is a testament to our true nature. This book is dedicated to the brave heart we each have.