Introduction to Programming with Mathematica®
An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica is the first book published expressly to teach Mathematica as a programming language to scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists. This text may be used in a first or second course on programming at the undergraduate level or in a Mathematica-related course in engineering, mathematics, or the sciences. It is also intended for individual study by students and professionals. The text does not assume familiarity with Mathematica nor does it require any prior programming experience. The book and diskette contain over 200 exercises drawn from many areas of science, engineering, mathematics, and computer science. The 3 1/2'' diskette included with this book can be read by UNIX, IBM-compatible, NeXT, and Macintosh computers. The diskette includes Notebooks and packages containing the code for all of the examples and exercises in the text, as well as additional material extending many of the ideas in the text. The packages will run on any computer running Mathematica and the Notebooks will run on any computer that supports Mathematica Notebooks. Version 2.0 or later of Mathematica is recommended for maximum use of the diskette.