The Millionaire Code
Praise for THE MILLIONAIRE CODE "A wonderfully worthy book, especially in an era when the wrongkind of capitalism has been in the driver's seat. The MillionaireCode is about something far more noble than money-the joy of livingyour life to the fullest simply by finding what it is you love todo, and then doing it. 'Hats off' to Paul Farrell for picking upwhere William Shakespeare left off: 'This above all: to thine ownself be true.'" -John C. Bogle Founder and former CEO, The Vanguard Group "To make your savings grow, you need to know three things: the waythe markets work, the way market history works, and the way youwork. Let Paul Farrell take you on an enlightening, enjoyable, andprofitable journey to the inner self of the successfulinvestor." -William J. Bernstein, PhD, MD author of The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building aWinning Portfolio and The Intelligent Asset Allocator "Combining personality theory, solid investment advice, and Zenphilosophy, Paul Farrell demonstrates concretely how necessary itis to combine your personality and investing styles in order tocreate meaningful wealth. If you want to learn what it takes todevelop your own unique investment strategy-the only kind likely tosucceed-this is the book to get." -Dr. Richard Geist Clinical Instructor, Department of Psychiatry (Psychology) Harvard Medical School "An important work. Leave it to Paul Farrell to provide a trulyunique insight into the minds of millionaire investors. I have beenimpressed with Paul Farrell's work for many years. His latest book,The Millionaire Code, provides an important contribution to theworld of investing. Truly unique insights." -Charles Carlson author, Eight $teps to $even Figures: The Investment Strategies ofEveryday Millionaires and How You Can Become Wealthy Too "It's often said that if you don't know who you are, Wall Street isan expensive place to find out. By helping you understand moreabout yourself, this book will help you become a more successfulinvestor." -Ric Edelman Chairman, Edelman Financial Services, author of Ordinary People,Extraordinary Wealth, and Discover the Wealth Within You