Losing Paradise
The last decades of the twentieth century saw an unprecedented assault by humans on nature and animals throughout the world. Instead of moving toward a better world, we are now facing a tidal wave of ecological challenges that threatens to sweep away whatever progress we have achieved. In this landmark book, author Paul G. Irwin presents an alarming look at what we have done—and continue to do—to animals, to our environment, and to ourselves. Losing Paradise first examines the beliefs that lie at the core of our destructive actions—beliefs that place humans above and against nature. It then details the results of these distorted values, including the cruel treatment of animals through factory farming, hunting, and trapping, and the destruction of our environment. But while Losing Paradise shows the damage we have done, it also shows the steps we can take to build a truly humane society and reclaim our wondrous natural world. Most important, it reminds us of the paradise this earth can be for all God’s creatures.