Life Questing
The world is waiting for those who are passionate about becoming all they can be. As your potential connects with needs and opportunities around you, a fresh life-energy will flow through your life ...Life Questing is for those who want to make a difference. As you understand your identity more accurately - expressing faith, determination, and sacrifice - you will transition more fully into the future God has in mind.* You will discover the Master Craftsman takes delight in you and your place in His world.* Experience foundational authority in your life - build upon it with gold, silver and precious stones instead of wood, hay and straw.* Enjoy a life of destiny in your sphere of calling.* Live your best life ... reach for your most fruitful work."It is not what you rule, but who rules you that causes eternity to come down and touch earth. It is this heart in Paul and Kjersti that God is using to perpetuate the purposes of His Kingdom."_ LeRoy & Lynne Ede, Kingdom Dynamics International"Paul Hubbard is a man of deep conviction and has embraced the enormous task of laying again the foundations in the hearts of all who will receive him."- Louis F. Kayatin, D.M., D.D., Church on the North Coast, United States