Michigan History Directory of Historical Societies, Museums, Archives, Agencies and Commissions, 2006-2007
The Historical Society of Michigan is now offering the latest Michigan History Directory of Historical Societies, Museums, Archives, Agencies and Commissions. Listing over 900 historical societies, museums, archives, historic sites, agencies, and commissions the Directory is a critical reference tool used to locate historical organizations in Michigan. The Michigan History Directory is compiled and published biennially by the Historical Society of Michigan. Arranged alphabetically by community and including a full index, the Michigan History Directory is used widely in libraries, schools, museums, historical societies, genealogical groups, as well as by individuals that are interested in Michigan's history. Historical resources can be found easily using the extensive contact information listed with each entry. The 2006-07 edition is fully updated with new information and is 25 percent larger than the last edition. The Michigan History Directory lists the name, address, phone, fax, contact names, e-mail addresses, website, hours, admission fees, collection information, and more for each organization detailed.