The U.S. Army Medical Rehabilitation Handbook
The U.S. Army Medical Rehabilitation Handbook serves as a valuable resource for our Service Members, Military and Veteran leadership, Veterans, Family members, and civilian communities, containing extremely helpful information about resilience and reintegration. This handbook is intended to be a source of information for the broad military community, including uniformed military personnel, family members, civilian personnel of federal agencies, veterans, and all people who contribute to the success of wounded, injured, and ill service members. When service members return from a deployment with visible or hidden impairments or challenges, it is important for the entire community to provide support to ameliorate the long-term impact of wounds, injuries, and illnesses that can manifest into permanent disabilities. The information contained in this book should help the reader understand and implement the steps necessary for helping wounded, injured, or ill service members and their families to successfully continue their military careers or to become successful as veterans within civilian communities. A multifaceted approach will be presented, and there is no one single solution that will work for all service members. However, the information contained within this handbook should provide insight into the options available and the many pathways that lead to success.