EPICURUS IN LOVE: The Epicuriana
The gently smoking cone blows its top, belching flames and molten debris. Suffocating rains of ash, pumice, and blistering hot gases shower down on the unfortunate luxury resort, amid rivers of lava. Breaking news, with the byline of climate change, Live from CNN —- No, this is 79 BC. Vesuvius, the sacred mountain of Hercules, engulfs the Roman city of Pompeii, burying everything and everyone. Miraculously, a papyrus scroll, carbonized but still intact, lies buried under the ruins of a collapsed seaside villa. Given up as lost forever, the fabled ‘Epicuriana’ is recovered —- a riveting tale of adventures, loves and losses —- told firsthand as a novel by Epicurus of Samos. Book-ending two romances, classical Athens and 21st century Boston, the storyline pays homage to the ancient Eleusinian Mysteries —- tracing the ceaseless synchronicity of chance encounters that may take minutes or millennia to play out. “Deeply character-driven, the Epicuriana is clearly very well researched, drawing on a rather substantial bibliography. ( It ) certainly has the ability to evoke emotion in the reader and I found myself hooting and laughing and having other pleasant emotional responses occasionally throughout the reading. A lovely personal story which mirrors the struggles and doubts of many of us today – perhaps we are in too much of a hurry to make our own mistakes! The story really makes you think”. --- Society of Friends of Epicurus Paul Donovan, Ph.D., draws upon his lifelong love of the Greek Golden Age and the wish —- using the narrative possibilities of a novel —- to bring its impressive cast of players back from the history books, to vibrant if sometimes messy lives. He lives in rural Maine with his wife, Pamela Pease, Ph.D