The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal
The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 6/7 is a compendium of articles and notes pertaining to the Museum's permanent collections of antiquities, paintings, sculpture, and works of art. This volume includes an editorial statement by the journal’s editors: Burton B. Fredericksen, curator of Paintings, Jiří Frel, curator of Antiquities, and Gillian Wilson, curator of Decorative Arts. Conservation problems are discussed along with articles written by K. Christiansen, B. B. Fredericksen, S. Holo, G. Wilson, B. L. Shifman, M. Shapiro, J. Frel, D. M. Brinkerhoff, C. C. Vermeule, G. Koch, S. Downey, l. Kilian-Dirlmeier, C. Cardon, F. Brommer, M. A. Del Chiaro, P. Visonà, J. Cody, R. Mellor, D. L. Thompson, E. Langlotz, P. Zazoff, S. Knudsen Morgan, M. Jentoft-Nilsen, and A. Manzoni.