Historic North End Halifax
Halifax's North End is an historical and photographic sketch of a major section of Atlantic Canada's largest city. Both in war and in peace the North End has played a vigorous and vital part in the history of Atlantic Canada's "Warden of the North." The strategic importance of military forts, the naval presence, housing, and heavy industries that developed in this area, all contributed to the rapid growth of the North End during the late 19th century. As Paul Erickson points out in fascinating historical photos, the Halifax Explosion dramatically changed the fate of this historic section of Halifax and brought the astonishing growth to a screaming halt in 1917. During the 1920s, the distinctive neighborhoods began to thrive again. Erickson profiles the unique communities of the Hydrostone and Africville. Chapters include: Old North Suburbs, Foreign Protestants, Royal Naval Dockyard, Wars and Peace, Expansion North, Age of Rail, Age of Industry, Halifax Explosion, Rebuilding the North End, Africville, Second World War, and Eve of Urban Renewal.