Another Country, Another Life
James Boyer's impressive life story - editor of the first newspaper in Ontario's northern districts, homesteading farmer, schoolteacher, town clerk of Bracebridge for decades, Methodist choir director, Muskoka district magistrate from 1878 to 1900 - is well documented in books and newspaper features. Behind his noteworthy Canadian life, however, lurked the haunting shadow of another. Isaac Jelfs, a young English clerk, became scapegoat for a Stratford law office scandal. In Birmingham the desperate Jelfs married, believing the older woman was pregnant by him. Unemployed, he tried to start over as a soldier with the Dragoon Guards in the Crimean War. As a deserter who escaped that mad slaughter to New York, he joined a major Broadway Avenue firm, fell in love with another woman, and fled to Canada with her and their love child to begin yet another new life, this time as Muskoka pioneer "James Boyer."