Slaves of Satan
Slaves of Satan is an extraordinary book that looks at the darkest corners of the human and diabolical mind and answers the question of why. Why do human beings commit some of the most horrific, appalling, and unspeakable acts known to man. What is it that drives these evil people; serial killers, cult leaders, occultists, and dictators to leave a trail of murder, violence, sexual depravity, and total unmitigated destruction in their wake. Author Patrick Bell through years of extensive research has done a deep dive into one of religions most controversial and terrifying subjects, diabolical possession, and the most serious and horrifying form of it known as Perfect Possession. When a human being has given themselves, their intellect, mind, will and body, their very souls over completely to the source of all evil, Lucifer. The author examines the theology and church teaching behind perfect possession, the three types of it, who it occurs to and why and then examines people from history (Slaves of Satan) who were perfectly possessed including serial killers, dictators, the international occult elite and the diabolical deeds and destruction they have perpetrated, led on by their master the devil, upon the human race.