Church: a Reflection of the Triune God
InChurch: A Reflection of the Triune God, Father Patrick Akponevwe Otor, MSP offers a new way of looking at the Church. He sees the nature and mission of the Church as an offshoot of the communion and love that binds together the persons of the Trinity. He shows how the three-tiered leadership structure of the Church mirrors the persons of the Trinity. Father Otor took time to explore and expand the term mission as it is understood in todays Church to include evangelization, inculturation, struggle for justice and liberation, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue, protecting the earth, missio Dei, and many more. The book illustrates the person and roles of the pastor or pastoral leader both within the church and in the world. It will be a valuable resource for both teachers and students of theology, pastors, priests, pastoral leaders, missionaries, and ordinary Christians who are interested in learning more about their church and faith. Church: A Reflection of the Triune God, will inform, inspire, and challenge anyone and everyone who reads it.