Atonement as Gift
Atonement as Gift: Re-Imagining the Cross for the Church and the World grows out of the conviction that the doctrine of the atonement has wide-reaching practical implications for some of the deepest pastoral and theological questions individuals and communities face today. It asks the question: 'What difference does the atonement make for ecumenics, pastoral care, theodicy, gender, ecology, and social division?' The answers given by experts in their fields point to the potential of the doctrine to renew Christian theology and spirituality. This unique book is designed not only to offer the insights of these theologians, but also to guide readers to engage the issue for themselves and to integrate the doctrine into their own theological reflection. Contents: 1. Stephen Williams, 'The Atonement Today: The State of Current Discussion'; 2. Vincent Twomey and Stephen Williams, 'The Cross and Our Aspiration for a Common Doctrine of Redemption' followed by questions for discussion groups; 3. Ron Elsdon, 'The Cross and the Redemption of the Cosmos'; 4. Elaine Storkey, 'The Cross and the Reconciliation of Gender' followed by a creative writing workshop exercise; 5. David Tombs, 'The Cross and the Reconciliation of Enemies'; 6. Richard Bauckham, 'The Cross and God's Embrace of Suffering' followed by an exegetically driven exercise examining lament texts; 7. Robin Stockitt, 'The Cross and Our Captivity to Shame' followed by resources for conducting a bibliodrama workshop; 8. Heather Morris, 'The Cross and the Healing of the Self' followed by the description of a prayer ministry clinic related to the themes of the chapter; 9. Katie M. Heffelfinger and Patrick G. McGlinchey, 'Responses'; 10. Conclusion.