Pakistan's corrupt government banned UN nuclear inspectors and American forces from the country after American Special Forces executed Osama Bin Laden. With UN oversight neutralized, Al-Qaeda breached Pakistan's nuclear weapons storage. When the theft was discovered, the camouflage of Pakistan's leaders was transparent to Eric Ludlow of the CIA, and to America's military Chief of Staff, Admiral Michaels. Ayeza entered a forced marriage when she was twelve and left Pakistan for her husband's village in Afghanistan. Driven from her home by the senior wives when her husband was away, her husband's brother caught her talking to a boy on the street. He and the men he was with killed the boy and gang raped Ayeza. The village imam condemned her in accordance with Islamic law for enticing the rape. An American patrol rescued her as her husband and his family was stoning her in the street. The CIA later recruited her. A theft of nuclear material meant new rules of engagement. Eric Ludlow sent Ayeza back to her village to get the proof. With proof in hand, Ayeza joined with Logan, the CIA's top Middle East operative, in a search for the weapons. When the government of Pakistan denied the theft, the American administration waffled. Unconvinced, America's CIA and its military leaders placed their careers on the line to find the warheads before they reached their targets in the States. After a two year failed search spanning three continents, a successful nuclear attack on an American city by Islam's crusaders appeared imminent. When the Americans executed Osama Bin Laden Al-Qaeda focused on a target, and, a leader for a leader became radical Islam's rallying call. Convinced by Eric and Admiral Michaels that a weapon had arrived, President Gregory Paxton must choose. Would he seek safety for his family and himself and leave the captiol while risking a major city and its entire population, or would he cave in and trade America's freedom by accepting Al-Qaeda's perverted terms for peace, or, would he hold the enemy responsible?