Tales From the Country Matchmaker
Since she founded the Farmers' and Country Bureau from her farmhouse in the Peak District more than twenty years ago, Patricia has been helping love blossom the length and breadth of rural England. She has hundreds of marriages to her credit and numerous babies, including one set of quads. A born matchmaker whose warmth, patience and humour have literally changed the lives of hundreds of people, here she brings us the stories of love and romance that she has helped to create. Of course love isn't always on the cards for her clients. Take George, who wouldn't leave his lady friend until she'd finished knitting his jumper. Or the pig farmer who omitted to take a shower. But for the truly romantic take Harry, the poetry writing farmer who found his perfect match just when he'd given up hope. Patricia Warren's tales are pure delight - and a heartening reminder that there really can be a 'happy ever after'.