Marketing Fashion
While rooted in traditional marketing principles, successful fashion marketing presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges. Marketing Fashion: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, second edition, presents marketing theories and practices as they specifically relate to apparel, home goods, and other design-driven products. Using a variety of contemporary examples, the text details how fashion marketers develop and apply marketing strategies that meet consumer needs. This includes topics such as: Research, Relationships and Branding, Products; Prices and Distribution; Sales, Promotion, and Communications; and Careers. A brand-new Appendix on Careers helps students better identify potential jobs in the ever-evolving division of marketing. Readers will begin to understand how marketing impacts consumer and organizational buying behavior, research, a diversified consumer base, product planning and positioning, pricing, supply chain management, wholesale, retail, and personal sales. Rooted in historical ideology with examples of classic marketing and fashion theories readers will become well-rounded with practices as they relate to contemporary design. Marketing Fashion, second edition explores in depth contemporary issues such as technology, social media, market diversity, social responsibility and ethics, ecological production, and considers effective strategies for various economic climates. This text explores those who work in this area of fashion and explores opportunities for readers to pursue in the areas of marketing fashion products. New to this Edition - Updated Marketing Industry Spotlight Interviews - All new Case Studies that explore real world examples - Updated materials addressing digital platforms and the role of social media in marketing - New Appendix on careers with sample resumes - New marketing plan in the appendix to allow students to learn key campaign components Marketing Fashion STUDIO - Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips - Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions and image identification - Branch out with links to curated online multi-media resources that bring chapter concepts to life Instructor Resources - PowerPoint® presentations include images from the book and provide a framework for lecture and discussion - Instructor's Guide provides suggestions for using the text in the classroom and planning the course with sample syllabi, a test bank, and supplemental assignments